Thursday, July 03, 2008

Austin Powers III: Your views

viagra Monday, 29 July, 2002, 10:12 GMT 11:12 UK Austin Powers III: Your views
The film boasts some new faces along with old favourites
Mike Myers returns for his third incarnation as the dandy spoof spy, this time joining forces with old flame Foxxy Cleopatra (Beyoncé Knowles) in the fight against Dr Evil.

The film opens with a James Bond-style set piece which enlists a bevvy of A-list Hollywood stars.

"Myers' scriptwriting skills and performance have sharpened since The Spy Who Shagged Me. At times, there are even flashes of genius, reminiscent of Peter Sellers at his legendary best," wrote BBC News Online's Rebecca Thomas.

But what do you think?

Has the Powers persona run out of steam? Or is Goldmember the best yet?

I'm still reeling and getting flash backs. Will have to see it again as I know I missed bits from laughing. A much needed pick me up, just what the doctor ordered.
sheila, UK

Definitely not as good as the second installment. Beyonce was fantastic as Foxxy Cleopatra and the cameos were a great touch. The Dutch villian had his grossly funny moments but all in all, this is best for the DVD player and not the big screen.
Jason, USA

I loved the film! Not as funny as the first, but it was still a good laugh. Mike Myers is a comedy genius and I hope he continues to make films well into the future.
Amanda, Scotland

This movie is groovy baby. The cameo roles are really funny - I was nearly in tears. The Goldmember character was really funny and also, to live up to tradition, some of the character names are really funny.
Dr Evil aka Neil, Scotland

Very disappointing. Without question the weakest instalment in the trilogy. The character of Goldmember is devoid of any humour and really grates. He's perhaps even less funny than Fat Bastard - and certainly more irritating. The rehashed gags were simply not funny the third time round and there were genuinely few moments past the opening 20 minutes where I laughed.

Myers still shows his comedic genius through his use of subtle and not-so-subtle facial expressions in the characters of Evil and Powers, but seemed fresh out of inspiration for any new and funny gags.

A sequel too far.
Stavros, England

Don't believe the hype - see the film and see what a genius Mike Myers is. Anyone who could come up with a Dutch villain with such imagination has much to offer the world. Laugh a second, particularly the first 20 minutes. The film does have a human side, particularly as Myers lost his father in the same way that his screen character did (in reality he died when Myers was young). No-one else can pull off a film like that other than Myers. Well done to great casting.
Paul Rowley, UK

Austin Powers 3 was a great film overall, some really funny moments - Austin Power's fight with Mini-Me, Austin accidently unplugging the fountain and the medical aboard Dr Evil's ship to name a few. There where however some dull moments in between, but this just gave time for the audience to recover. Myer's certainly is a comedy genius, not sure there is enough mileage for a fourth Austin Powers though!
Mini Me, UK

Grooovy baby yeah! Myres never fails to deliver, true there's nothing original here but why would you want to change a formula which already works?
Mike Harwood, UK

I went to see it last night and at times I had stomach ache where I laughed so much. The opening is brilliant, great use of cameos without interfering with the storyline. I thought it was supremely better than 'The Spy Who Shagged Me. I thought Goldmember was such a weird but entertaining character, where does Mike Myers get his ideas from? I loved the development of Dr Evil's character. Allowing time for a proper story. Will definitely go and see it again
Kat, England

The third time is definitely not the charmer. With the exception of Ms. Knowles, the whole escapade was a crushing bore.
Robert del Valle, USA

There was the odd good gag, but on the whole I left with the impression they had made another movie for the sake of it (and for loads of cash).
Laura, UK

Great film. Laughed so much my sides ached. Beyonce would benefit from acting lessons.
Phil, England

Complete rubbish. Goldmember was just not funny. It lacked all of the wit and novelty of the first two. Myers is under the impression that his observations are accurate, but the accents are awful and stilted, and quite often his characters just leave you cold, lacking subtlety and humour. He has taken Austin Powers one stage too far. Wayne¿s World and Wayne¿s World 2 were fantastic, and Austin Powers 2 was excellent. Maybe Myers should have a "two strikes and out" rule, as AP 3 was a load of tripe.
Jasper, UK

Goldmember is an excellent film, at times it was like watching Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther, and the bit where Austin beats up Mini-Me is truly gut busting. Better than the second but not as good as the first, but a top rate comedy that I'll definitely be watching again and again.
MatFlat, UK

I laughed and laughed and laughed… And on rare occasions, realised that the rest of the audience wasn't laughing with me. This was due to the number of UK/US gags, many of which the North Carolina audience didn't get (and I'm guessing the Brits didn't get some of the US gags - like the Subway diet one). Hilarious, just the pick-me-up I need, baby.
Melissa, US, ex-pat UK

The film was excellent. It was undeniably funny. But the humour went more for qauntity than quality. Which is better? Laughing a lot? Or really laughing every now and then? Whetever you come out saying things like "what about when Dr.Evil….." so yeah go see it. It's the culture.
Terry, england

Total self-indulgent rubbish, this film suffers from the success of the previous films.

It now appears that everyone wants in on the Austin Powers phenomenon. It was as if numerous stars have just turned up on set and been obliged with a distracting cameo.

Part of the charm of the other films is that you could suspend reality and loose yourself in a wonderfully brash comic environment. This film, however, is far too aware of its own humour. It is as if the whole franchise has become one big in-joke to which you are presumed to be a part. But lines annoyingly played straight to camera are no substitute for plot.

What story there is serves little purpose other than to act as a tenuous link to the next ill-conceived, recycled, or just plain laboured gag.

The whole experience was like looking forward to meeting some old friends, only to find that success had made them big-headed and boorish.

Brian, UK

Oh dear, what a tired concept. There were so many moments in the film where the actors paused for audience laughter, but laughter came there none. Even Myers seemed to be cringing. Relying on age-old gags - "meat and two veg", "you're a tripod", and the Viagra stiff neck joke - is beyond lame, it's embarrassing. The script was terrible. Only Mini-Me could provoke the mildest of titters, and even then, the violence towards him was at times unpalatable.
Andrew Davies, UK

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Yeah baby
BBCi Films Austin Powers quiz and interviews
See also:

25 Jul 02 | EntertainmentMyers recharges Powers' pencil
23 Jul 02 | EntertainmentStars turn out for Goldmember
09 Apr 02 | EntertainmentLast hope for Goldmember
14 Nov 99 | UKAustin Powers stunt not groovy
24 Jul 02 | EntertainmentWalk Of Fame honour for Myers
23 Jul 02 | EntertainmentKnowles nervous about Foxxy role
06 Sep 99 | EntertainmentMyers voted hottest star
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